Have you noticed the Origin Points in your Origin client while firing up your favorite game? If you’ve came to this article, you are probably wondering what they are and what they can be used for. Let’s jump in and take a look at what you can do with all those origin points you have been racking up.
What Are Origin Points?
Origin points are the Origin clients method of tracking your gaming progress, similar to achievements. Each game that you purchase on the Origin client has a specific amount of achievements. Each achievement has a certain amount of points granted to your account after completing it.
What Are Origin Points Used For?
Unfortunately Origin points can not be used for anything and are just there as bragging rights. Origin points get displayed publicly on your profile so you can compete against your friends to see who can get a higher amount of points. The closest thing to Origin points would be Xbox gamer score or Playstation trophies.
Unfortunately you will not be getting any free games with all those Origin points you have racked up.
If you enjoy 100 Percenting games then you will enjoy collecting all Origin achievements and points for a single game. While you can’t actually do anything with them it is still cool for gamers to show their gaming progress somehow on their profile.
After all there is nothing more satisfying in gaming than unlocking one of the hardest achievements in a game and then having that showcased on your profile.
How To Combine Achievements Across Different Platforms
On PC now there is so many different gaming clients such as Steam, Origin, Battle.net and more. If you love to collect achievements this is extremely annoying as you can’t collect all of your score in one place.
Luckily there is actually a service that lets you collect all of your gamer score in one single place. This makes tracking your achievements and score much easier. The service is called Playtracker.net.
What Are Bioware Points?
Occasionally people will mix up Bioware points and Origin points. These are not the same. Bioware points could be used to download DLC in games like Mass Effect and Dragon age.
Bioware gave these codes out on their social media in the past for fans to use on these in game DLC’s.
Wrapping Up
Now you know exactly what Origin points are and unfortunately found out that you won’t be doing much with them. The main reason to collect Origin points is to show off to your friends and show them how much of a game you have been able to complete.
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