If you’ve recently acquired an agent in Valorant and for some reason you’re having second thoughts, you may want to consider a refund. As of now, Riot Games allows for a simple refund procedure, with certain conditions of course. So how exactly do you go about it? In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process.

Understanding Refunds in Valorant
Before you initiate the refund process, it’s important to understand the conditions and restrictions set by Riot Games. Refunds are only allowed for unused content purchased with VP or RP within the last 14 days. In other words, if you’ve used the agent or any other item in a game or if the purchase is older than 14 days, the refund option is off the table.
Now that you’re clear on the conditions, let’s look at how you can claim your refund.
Steps to Request a Refund
1. Navigate to the Valorant Support Page
Head over to Valorant’s support page. This is where you’ll find the options to initiate a refund.
2. Log in with your Riot Credentials
Scroll down the page and you will see the option to log in. Enter your Riot username and password here. You must log in to be able to view your purchase history and request a refund.
3. Access your Order History
Once logged in, select “Get my order history.” This will display a list of all your purchases, including the item name, purchase date, and amount of VP you spent.
4. Find the Item You Wish to Refund
In your order history, locate the agent or item you want to refund. Remember, it must be an unused item and the purchase should be within the last 14 days.
5. Click on “Refund”
Under the agent or item you wish to refund, you should see the option to “refund.” Click on it.
6. Restart Valorant
Once you’ve requested the refund, restart Valorant. This should finalize the refund process.
Wrapping Up
Remember, the refund system in Valorant is a privilege, not a right. It’s intended to help players correct honest mistakes in purchases, not to allow for free trials of every item in the game. Use it wisely and consider your purchases carefully to enjoy a smooth gaming experience. With that, you now know how to refund agents in Valorant. Happy gaming!