Once Upon a Time
Introduced in Generation VI, the Fairy-type in Pokemon Go makes the experience more “enchanting.” This time around, the developers take ideas from “Fairy” Tales or children’s Fantasy Books as the base for old and new Pokemon art styles.
Gamewise, the Fairy-type Pokemon, is another group of pocket monsters that share characteristics. You’ll see them destroying other types and getting owned by other Pokemon. Like Fairy Type Weakness Pokemon Violet, they run from their nemesis (which we’ll discuss later).
In this article, you’ll find all the necessary information about the fairy-type in Pokemon GO. Prepare your magical spells and pick those Pokemon with mystical origins.
Pokemon Go: Fairy Type Pokémon Weaknesses – [Explained]
Let’s go through the hidden knowledge of Pokemon folklore and discuss the pros and cons of the Fairy-type Pokemon.
Fairy-Type Pokemon GO Advantages
To begin the odyssey, let’s look at the strengths of the Fairy-Type Pokemon. In Pokemon Go, the Fairy-type Pokemon deal tons of damage to Dark, Dragon, and Fighting types. Many unprepared trainers that follow the “Dragon” meta experience distaste after seeing an “innocent” mystical creature destroy the terrors of the sky.
Furthermore, the Fairy-Type Pokemon presents resistance against Bug, Dark, Fighting, and Dragon types. Indeed, you can take advantage of those trainers that get stuck in a single type with a Pokemon. For example, you’ll get the upper hand when fighting against a Lucario with exclusive fighting moves.
With a Fairy-type Pokemon in your party, you’ll break the META (the most valuable Pokemon of the season). Take your enchanting nukers and “charm” your way to victory.
Fairy Type Weakness Pokemon GO
On the other hand, the Fairy-type Pokemon are “Not Very Effective” against Fire, Poison, and Steel types. Without a doubt, your true nemesis comes from the Steel family. Following the previous example, if Lucario has a single Steel move, you’ll find some trouble in a battle.
Additionally, like Fairy Type Weakness Pokemon Scarlet, they get troubles with the Poison and Steel types. Pick your battles accordingly and return your Fairy-type Pokemon when you see these enemies. You can reduce the impact of your counters with a Pokemon with two types. For example, Carbink with the Ground type gets defenses against the Poison type.
Overall, the Fairy-type Pokemon has less trouble than other groups. Many trainers or Raids might have a Steel Pokemon in their ranks. Grab a Fire-type Pokemon and burn their hopes.
What is Fairy Type Pokemon Weak Against in Gyms?
When you visit any Gym from the rival groups, you can participate in:
- Attacking the Gym: Using Fairy-type Pokemon is essential while battling the defenders. Many players take their Dragons for this activity. Also, you can use your Fairy-type Pokemon to almost all the other guardians without issue.
- Defending a Gym: Placing a Fairy-Type Pokemon is a hit-and-miss. Many Pokemon from this group get fewer health points than the rest of the crew. However, Wigglytuff with tons of CP (Combat Points) can take many hits.
- Participating in Raids: Clearing the Dragon-type Pokemon with a full Fairy-type party works like a charm. Gather your friends and defeat the strongest Pokemon with the mystical creatures.
What is Fairy Type Pokemon Strong Against in PvP?
Many players fall in despair when they see the strongest Fairy-type Pokemon in your party. You can destroy the dungeon bosses (Dragons) and the strongest demons (Dark) with charming attacks.
We recommend using Fairy-type Pokemon with Charm and Fairy Wing as Fast Attacks. Both options have quick animations, which help you build your offensive ASAP.
For Charged attacks, we recommend Dazzling Gleam and Moonblast as Fairy-type-based damage. Deploy your kindness and overcome your trainer’s challenges by defeating the “biggest” dragons and dark Pokemon.
Weakest Fairy Type Pokemon
Pokemon Go follows a simple way when placing gaming mechanics. Therefore, the strength in Pokekom relies (mostly) on one number, the Combat Points. In the wild, the Pokemon with less CP are the first Pokemon evolutions (of three).
For example, Cleffa might need many resources (Candies and Stardust) to reach more than two thousand CP. However, you can multiply the basic numbers by evolving them to Clefable.
Furthermore, when you use a single type Pokemon, you limit the battle possibilities. You’ll have fewer moves and get the default attributes from the Fairy-type Pokemon. In other words, Clefable is great, but Wigglytuff gives you more options.
Fairy Type in the Pokemon Franchise
Even though we see the same difficulties as Fairy-type Weakness Pokemon Shield, the depth in battle from this version gives you more options. For example, “charming” an opponent will reduce the upcoming attack in a few upcoming turns.
Additionally, you’ll see more effects with the Fairy-type attacks in other Pokemon. Hence, turn-based combat becomes more strategic and fun to play.
Either way, you can melt Dragons on any Pokemon version without issues.
Wrapping Up
The Pokemon franchise surprises us with each generation. In Generation VI, we got the Fairy-type Pokemon and found more interactions with the other groups.
Many of the Pokemon models from the Fairy-type Pokemon have charming effects on anyone. It is surprising to see them melting the “beasts” from the Dragon and Dark types of Pokemon.
Become the next fairy-flavored Trainer and dominate each in-game activity (inside or outside your house) in the Pokemon Go mobile game.
Frequently Asked Questions about Fairy-Type Pokemon GO
Let’s check some of the most common questions about the current subject.
What is Dark Fairy Pokemon Weakness?
You’ll get additional damage from Poison, Steel, and Fairy types. Prepare an unbreakable strategy when you see a Pokemon sharing these types in a battle.
What is Fairy Type Weakness Pokemon Sword?
The Fairy-type Pokemon are weak against Poison and Steel Pokemon. Take special care against the Steel-type Pokemon since they often appear in META lists.
What are the Advantages of Fairy-type Pokemon?
In Pokemon Go, the fairy-type Pokemon are strongly effective against Dragons, Dark, and Fighting types of Pokemon.
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