Dominating the Skyes
Right from the start, the Flying-type Pokemon overtook the highs with their wings. In Generation I, you could add the “Fly” move to these Pokemon and “teleport” between cities.
Besides the transport utility, you could have a flying-type Pokemon in your party. Above all, some of the first Legendary Pokemon come with the flying type (Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres). Getting one of these will make the Elite Four fight easier.
Sadly, things work differently in Pokemon GO. You cannot use “Fly” with your virtual flying-type Pokemon and teleport to another part of the World. Instead, you take the flying-type Pokemon around you and use them in different activities.
In this article, we’ll discuss the fundamental knowledge from the flying-type Pokemon in the cell phone version of the franchise.
Pokemon Go: What Is Flying Type Pokemon Weak Against?
Through here, you’ll learn all the good and bad from the flying-type crew in Pokemon GO.
Flying-Type Pokemon GO Advantages
Let’s begin with the positive side of the flying-type Pokemon. In Pokemon Go, the flying-type moves are “Super Effective” against Bug, Fighting, and Grass Pokemon types. Lore-wise, you’ll eat all those pesky bugs from the Pokemon roster. Furthermore, you can counterattack the “tanky” (high health points and resistances) from the Fighting group.
Additionally, the flying-type Pokemon are resistant to Bug, Fighting, Grass, and Ground-type moves. Getting a few wins with your flying-type Pokemon can be effortless. Peck your prey until they run back to their Pokeball.
The interactions between other Pokemon GO types are limited. You can improve the effectiveness of your flying-type Pokemon with a subtype in between. For example, Zapdos will have flying and electric benefits.
Pokemon GO Flying-Type Weaknesses
Flying-type moves lack effectiveness against Electric, Rock, and Steel type Pokemon. The electric Pokemon are the nemesis of the flying-type Pokemon. We have similar mechanics in Flying Type Weakness Pokemon Violet. However, you should take extra precautions versus the Steel-type Pokemon among them all.
Furthermore, the flying-type Pokemon are weak to Electric, Ice, and Rock-type moves. If you’re a Pokemon trainer veteran, you’ll know how Pikachu paralyzed the entire flying-type move with two simple electric moves. Similarly, avoid the lighting in Pokemon GO.
As we already suggested, we recommend getting a Pokemon with two types and reducing the flying type Pokemon weaknesses. Zapdos will give you flying attacks and add the electric neutrality from the enemy’s attack.
What is Flying Type Pokemon Weak Against in Gyms?
Approaching any Gym in the Pokemon Go map will allow you to participate in activities such as:
- Attacking a Gym: Grab your flying-type Pokemon and defeat all the bugs from the other factions. The quickness of the flying-type moves will help you destroy your opponents without moving the Pokemon’s wings too much.
- Defending a Gym: We recommend keeping your flying-type Pokemon out of the guarding duties. Many trainers have electric-type Pokemon in their parties.
- Participating in Raids: Squish the most powerful Bugs in the Pokemon roster with your flying-type Pokemon. Check the types and moves of your opponent before picking the right party for the job.
What is Flying Type Pokemon Strong Against in PvP?
Sadly, you might not see many Bug-type Pokemon while playing the Player versus Player part of Pokemon GO. However, a Zapdos will give you more defending options as you electrocute your opponents with fast attacks.
For fast attacks, we recommend Peck or Air Slash as flying-type moves. Also, for the Charged Attacks, you could look for Fly or Hurricane.
Weakest Flying Type Pokemon
Due to Pokemon GO limitations, the first evolutions (of three) have the lowest attributes in the video game. For example, Pidgey has low Combat Points (CP) in the wild, but you can multiply the CP number as you evolve them into Pidgeot.
Flying Type in the Pokemon Franchise
Even though the flying type weakness Pokemon Sword shares similarities with Pokemon GO, you have more battle depth in Sword. For example, the “Fly” move might help you avoid unnecessary damage when the Pokemon disappears into the sky.
Additionally, the flying-type Pokemon have immunity to some ground-type moves. Earthquake does not affect the lords of the sky.
However, in a fast-phase combat from Pokemon GO, you can use the power of your flying-type Pokemon with better animations. Tap your screen into victory.
Frequently Asked Questions about Flying-Type Pokemon GO
Let’s answer the most common inquiries about the current subject.
What is the Weakness of Flying Type Pokemon?
In Pokemon GO, the flying-type pocket monsters are weak against Electric, Ice, and Rock-type moves.
Is the Flying Type Weakness Pokemon Scarlet different in Pokemon GO?
Fundamentally, no, but you have extra features in the Pokemon Scarlet battle system. For example, the flying-type Pokemon have immunity to some Ground-type moves.
Which Are the Best Flying-Type Moves in Pokemon GO?
Search for Peck or Air Slash for Fast Moves and Fly or Hurricane for Charged Attacks.
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