Ain’t no Rest for the Wicked
Who would have thought that you could extend the bond of your partners even in the afterlife? Well, in Pokemon lore, you have some “pocket monsters” who don’t want to follow the white light.
Even though it looks supernatural to us, the common folk, Ghosts are another group in the Pokemon world. They do not cross between walls or slam doors constantly. Instead, they have themed-related moves and advantages/weaknesses.
Through this article, you’ll learn about the ups and downs of the Ghost-type in Pokemon GO.
Pokemon Go: Ghost-Type Pokémon Weakness – [Comprehensive Guide]
Let’s dig deeper into the attributes and characteristics of the Ghost-type Pokemon.
Pokemon GO Ghost Type Advantages
Unlike the common happenings when you match against a Pokemon of the same type, Ghost hurts each other. Indeed, you gain extra damage (1.6x) to the other phantasms. The best Ghost in a fight of the same type is the fastest.
Unlike Pokemon GO, you could overturn disadvantages with unique “debuffs” (negative status). For example, to overcome the Ghost Type Weakness Pokemon Platinum, you could “Confuse” (giving a chance to hurt themselves) the opponent with Confusion.
Are Ghost Types Weak to Psychic? According to the Pokemon Lore, Psychics are owned by Ghost-type Pokemon. Many players buffed their Gengars against a Psychic fight in the Elite Four temple.
Furthermore, the Ghost-type Pokemon have outstanding resistance against Bug and Poison types, and show strength versus fighting and normal. In other words, the Ghost-type Pokemon survives more attacks from four groups.
Pokemon GO Ghost Type Weaknesses
Similarly to Ghost Type Weaknesses Pokemon Violet, receives more damage from Dark and Ghost sources. Indeed, all supernatural (from the ethereal planes) know how to damage each other. Also, they deal less damage to the Dark type.
Furthermore, a different characteristic of Ghost Type weakness Pokemon Go is the interaction between Ghosts and Normal types. Instead of preventing all the damage from almost all Normal-type Pokemon, your Ghost-type Pokemon receive a fraction of the attack.
Above all, a common answer from Ghost Type Pokemon Weaknesses is to run from the Dark types and take a Ghost fight if your DPS (Damage per Second) is good.
What is Ghost Type Pokemon Weak Against in Gyms?
In Pokemon Go, you have three ways to interact with a Gym and your Pokemon.
- Attacking a Gym: Use your Ghost-type Pokemon to eliminate the Psychic Pokemon and reduce the effectiveness of the Poison-type Pokemon.
- Defending a Gym: If you have a maxed Drifblim, place it in a Gym. However, since Ghosts have too many enemies, they fall quickly.
- Participating in a Raid: Many Ghost-themed parties obliterate the Psychic bosses (For example, Mewtwo). You can get many offensive teams with the Ghosts at your side.
What is Ghost Type Pokemon Strong Against in PVP?
Many Pokemon from the Ghost family tend to give a good fight in the PvP scene. If you get a Gengar with Lick and Shadow Ball, you can defeat other Ghosts Pokemon in a League fight.
When you find a Psychic “lover,” you should take your Ghost and make them think twice about their life choices.
Remember to change into a Fighting/Fairy/Bug Pokemon when your opponent picks a “creature” from the Dark or has Dark-type moves.
Weakest Ghost Type Pokemon GO
Like any other group in Pokemon Go, the first of three Pokemon evolutions are the weakest. You’ll see the results when you evolve your Ghastly into a Gengar.
Handheld Counterparts
As we already discussed, the Ghost Type Weakness Pokemon Violet is almost a copy. However, additional statuses (like Confusion) add more “deep” in a Pokemon fight.
Throw your ghostly powers and reduce the dominance from the afterlife.
Wrapping Up
Although Ghost-type Pokemon have no special features, the art behind these Pokemon always catches your attention. Indeed, the developers added outstanding haunting details to these Pokemon.
The in-game fighting also becomes interesting when a Ghost appears in the arena. Their mischievous attacks create chaos as they spook their opponents.
Use their special skills to dominate the Psychic spectrum and disappear when a Dark Pokemon steps in. Good Luck!
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