Your first day in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is part of a long and mesmerizing journey. So, like us, you will have an uncontrollable urge to experience everything the game has to offer right away. While it isn’t a bad idea to rush through the main quests to learn all of your favorite spells, there is so much more to change your mind.
For instance, you can go sightseeing around the lands surrounding Hogwarts Castle or take a detour through the Dark Forest. The only problem is that the game doesn’t really explain all these interesting activities at the start, so you must find them yourself. Therefore, this article provides a list of the first things to do in Hogwarts Legacy before you actually start the main campaign, let’s get started:
7 Hogwarts Legacy First Things to Do Before the Main Quests:
New players in Hogwarts Legacy tend to rush through the main campaign to learn more about the dark elf, Ranrok, and they have every right to do so. However, we have a list of some extra-curricular activities to change your mind. These activities will help you make your mark in the Wizarding World, make some new friends, and even find the ancestors of your favorite Harry Potter characters. In any case, your first few days as a new Hogwarts student deserve to be memorable, and we are here to help you in that endeavor:
1. Explore the Hogwarts Castle:
The first thing to do right after the sorting hat ceremony is to go on a tour inside the Hogwarts Castle. We found several iconic locations from the Harry Potter movies during our tours. For instance, you can go visit the trophy room and see your senior wizards’ achievements. Similarly, you can also visit the changing stairs or simply mess around with the talking mirrors and stomping knight armors.
Another memorable location is the Great Hall and its bewitched ceiling that keeps changing all day long. Personally, we spent at least an hour going back and forth in this particular location just to appreciate its wonderful views. Last but not least, we also recommend that you try petting some cats on the school grounds. Who knows, maybe they are distant relatives of Mrs. Norris. Overall, we strongly suggest that you should go on a sightseeing tour in the school before going for your first lesson. Don’t worry, there is no Professor McGonagall in the game to scold you for being late.
2. Find Collection Chests:
Another entertaining yet rewarding activity is to go on a treasure hunt. There are countless collection chests hidden in different parts of the Hogwarts School. You can open these chests to unlock Legendary gear items, beautiful wand handles, and even get a few potions to help you in your future quests.
However, you should avoid the Eye Chests as they require the Disillusionment Spell that you don’t learn until the mid-game sequence. Apart from that, finding the Collection Chests will reward you for exploring the wizarding world. Also, don’t worry if you couldn’t find some chests without learning the Alohomora spell, you can come back for them later.
3. Join the Secret Crossed Wands Dueling Club:
If you are a fan of wand duels and can’t find anyone to fight after completing Hogwarts Legacy’s first quest, this is the perfect activity. You can join the Secret Crossed Wands Dueling Club early-on in the game to get some hands-on experience with your spells. However, before you can participate in these duels, you must speak with Lucan Brattleby after completing the first Defence Against the Dark Arts class.
Personally, we learned a lot from these private battles, including how to dodge incoming projectiles and even block enemy spells with Protego. Furthermore, these battles are the best way to earn a lot of in-game XP in a “safe” environment. We can’t really explain the amount of thrill we got from these battles; you must check it out yourself.
4. Go Shopping in Hogsmeade:
If you are wondering what to do first in Hogwarts Legacy, we’d definitely say go visit the Diagon Alley. Unfortunately, there is no such location in the game, but we have an alternative that will surely blow your minds. The only problem is that you don’t actually unlock this area until you go shopping with a fellow student and fight the armored troll (spoiler alert).
Once you unlock the Hogsmeade Village, get ready to waste many hours exploring its shops and interesting landmarks (go look at the animated dragon). There are many shops in this region, you can go shopping for potions, ingredients, clothes, wand handles, and even get a new haircut. Ow, and we can’t forget the fun we had in the Zonko’s Joke Shop and Honeydukes, if you look closely, you may even find someone as amusing as George and Fred Weasley.
5. Hogwarts Legacy Best Side Quests and Their Rewards
So far, we have only covered what you can do before the main quests, but we can’t leave out our completionists. If the main game missions feel unsatisfying and you are looking for new experiences, you can also complete Hogwarts Legacy quests after the main story. There are a plethora of side quests in the game that you can attempt at any time, and they definitely shower you with loads of rewards. Here is a short list of the best side quests in Hogwarts Legacy and their corresponding rewards:
- The Man Behind the Moon: Unlocks new areas around the castle.
- The Daedalian Keys: Unlocks the house robe.
- Sebastian Sallow’s Questline: Learn the three unforgivable curses.
- Flight Test and related quests: Upgrades for your broom.
- The Phoenix Rising: Gives you the Phoenix in your Room of Requirement.
6. Find Field Guide Pages:
While we are on the topic of exploration, we can’t forget to mention our beloved Field Guide Pages. Professor Weasley (yup, Ron’s great grand aunt) tasks you with collecting the Field Guide Pages to capture everything that you have missed during the first five years of school. Apart from adding meaning to your exploration, these pages are a sure way to grind some XP and learn a lot about the game’s deep lore.
The only problem is that these pages are often flying around in the school corridors or even hidden behind important landmarks. The good news is that you can use the Revelio spell to track any nearby Field Guide Pages and even reveal the hidden ones (just listen for that sweet chime). In our experience, we found some very secret locations in both Hogwarts and Hogsmeade when hunting for these magical Owl pages.
7. Interact with Other Students:
The Hogwarts School is filled with a lot of young wizards and witches, and you should definitely interact with them. In fact, speaking with other NPCs is among the best things to do first in Hogwarts Legacy as it reveals their backstories and some game lore and even unlocks some enjoyable side quests. Overall, you will never get bored when running in the school corridors as you can always learn something new by interacting with other students.
There you have it; we have discussed all the best things to do first in Hogwarts Legacy before starting the main quest missions. You will never get bored playing the game as there are countless fun activities to keep you busy. Hopefully, you have found your new obsession in our list, you can also add your own suggestions by reaching out, Alohomora!
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