Oh, Link, Here We Go Again!
When Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild came to the public, it changed the franchise forever. In this version, the Nintendo developers mix gaming mechanics from Skyrim and a little bit from Dark Souls. For example, in Dark Souls, you can activate a bonfire and “restart” many facets of the gaming session.
Following the Dark Souls gameplay mechanic, in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Blood Moon effect acts in a similar way, although not controlled by the player When a Blood Moon occurs, all those pesky Goblins or other regular enemies “respawn” (return to their original place). However, some bosses (like Lynels and Constructs) won’t reappear in your journey.
Additionally, when the Blood Moon announcement loads, it resets enemy drops (like weapons), ores, and materials. Therefore, you can “farm” (recollect) many ingredients for your cooking recipes.
In this article, we’ll dig into what is the Blood Moon in Zelda and how to trigger one in your gaming sessions.
How To Force A Blood Moon in BOTW?
From this part, you’ll discover ways to trigger the event as you play Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Blood Moon Method 1: Triggering The Natural Cycle
While playing the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Blood Moon event appears after seven in-game days (or two hours and forty-eight minutes in real life). On the seventh day (around midnight in-game), the animation will begin, and the Blood Moon begins. If you pause and browse through the menus, the timer will stop as well.
Above all, the Blood Moon event is not unique. In other words, you’ll trigger the mystical episode when you’re playing in a single session. Each time you reach the two hours and forty–eight minutes wait, you’ll get a “reset.” As you can already tell, you don’t need anything outside the video game to trigger a Blood Moon.
Furthermore, if you want to know the exact Blood Moon night, go talk to Hino, and when he says: “Something happening tonight,” you’ll get the event at night.
To put this into perspective, one hour of in-game time equates to one real-time minute. Therefore, it should take you approximately two hours and forty-eight minutes of real gameplay to naturally encounter a Blood Moon. This process is endless, meaning the cycle repeats after every two hours and forty-eight minutes that you spend in the game. Despite the apparent waiting time, this method is the most consistent and reliable way to witness a Blood Moon.
Blood Moon Method 2: Panic Blood Moons
Sometimes, a random activity might trigger the Blood Moon event at random. Some players get this “glitch” and try to solve the aleatory occurrence. However, the Panic Blood Moon occurs when your gaming session goes “psycho,” and the video game responds by triggering Blood Moons to prevent a crash.
Until this day, people have no clue about how to trigger this phenomenon in BOTW. However, other players found a way to “cheese” the Blood Moon in Zelda: TotK/
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Blood Moon Glitch
You can recreate the “issue “ from the previous Nintendo game (BOTW) in Tears of the Kingdom. Overall, the method will overload the Nintendo Switch’s memory and create chaos in your playthrough.
If you want to become a “glitch gremlin,” navigate into Tanagar Canyon West Cave (-3285, 0789, -0104). Walk through the cave and reach a darker stone wall. Climb up and jump off to enter bullet time (with your bow). Shoot as many “opal” arrows into the wall as possible, making everything “slow” or laggy. When Link touches the floor, the Blood Moon will trigger (again, to avoid a crash).
Frequent Asked Questions about BOTW How to Force a Blood Moon
Here, you get some common questions about our beloved Zelda: BOTW Blood Moon.
What Does Zelda Say During the Blood Moon?
When the video loads, Zelda says: “The blood moon rises once again. Please be careful, Link…” Afterward, almost everything resets.
Can You Force a Blood Moon in BOTW?
No, you must wait two hours and forty-eight minutes (without pausing the game) or seven in-game days.
What Happens in Zelda BOTW Blood Moon?
When Blood Moon occurs, many enemies respawn, and in-game items are restored.