As we know, Satoshi Tajiri produced the first Pokémon game in 1996, which gained so much popularity because everyone was amazed by playing their favourite Pokémon game on a handheld gaming platform, Nintendo Game Boy, and no doubt it was a revolutionary step in the gaming industry for the world, especially for Japan.
It doesn’t matter if you are a fan of Water Type Pokemon or just want to defeat them by knowing their weaknesses; we are here to help. There are almost 18 types of Pokemon, with over 1,025 different Pokémon introduced by the industry, and one type is known as Water Type Pokémon.
Today’s article is about “What is the weakness of water type pokemon Go game,” as we provide a complete guide to gain easy knowledge about your favourite Pokémon type. So, let’s not waste any time and dive into the world of Pokémon.
Pokémon Go: Water Type Pokemon Weaknesses
Pokémon Go has 18 different types of Pokémon in the series. These 18 offer different abilities and are associated with different elements of the environment, such as fire, water, air, and earth, just like we saw in the Avatar series. One of these elemental Pokémon is the Water Type or Aquatic Pokémon.
These Pokémon offer water or aquatic attacks and are very effective against many other types of Pokémon. Surf, Water Gun & Hydro Pump are some of the most common and popular attacks of these Pokémon. Depending on their tier, they can be found near bodies of water, like lakes, rivers, and oceans.
If you are a Water Type or Aquatic Pokémon fan, some of the most popular names are Psyduck, Squirtle, Tentacool, Horsea, Totodile, Wooper, Piplup, Sobble, etc. There are 19 different aquatic Pokémon in the game that can be easily obtained by the players. Once you gain these Pokémon, you can check their weaknesses and resistances here.
Water Type Pokémon Weaknesses – What Are Water Type Pokemon Weak Against?
The Water Type of Aquatic Pokémon gets a lot weaker against the Electric Type or Grass Type Pokémon because both of their moves are highly effective against the Water Type Pokémon. They can easily defeat them in battles, and you must always choose Electric or Grass Type Pokémon to capture them easily.
Electric Type Pokémon is one of the eighteen elemental Pokémon that delivers fast and powerful Electric attacks that can paralyse the Water Type Pokémon easily. Pikachu is one of the most popular Pokémon in the series, and it delivers strong electric attacks, such as Thunder Shock, Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, etc.
On the other hand, grass-type Pokémon are associated with nature, such as grass, plants, and the overall greenery of the game. These have positive healing abilities, which makes them difficult to defeat and capture, and they can deal damage to Water Type Pokémon using their natural surroundings. One of the most popular Grass Type Pokémon is Balbasaur.
All Water Type Pokémon With Their Weaknesses
Let me now give you a complete comprehensive guide to explain each what are water type pokemon weak against. There are 163 of them, but only 19 can be obtained in the Pokémon Go game. We will also provide you with their appearance, common moves, and Pokémon types against which they are weak.
- Psyduck

It’s a very common yellow duck-like Pokémon, but it always suffers from a headache, which is a really funny aspect of the series. Psyduck has special psychic abilities, such as confusion, and it also has common water-type Pokémon attacks like water guns, hydro pumps, and a special Zen headbutt. They are weak against Electric and Grass Type Pokémon and their attacks.
- Squirtle
It is one of the most popular Pokémon from the game; it looks like a small blue turtle with a circle tail and a brown shell. Squirtle delivers attacks like Water Gun, Aqua Tail, Hydro Pump, and Bubble. They are also weak against Electric and Grass Type Pokémon.
- Tentacool
If you want a jelly Pokémon, Tentacool will be your first choice with blue and red colouring tentacles, making it a bit rare to obtain. It uses a Poison Sting attack, which is very effective against other Pokémon. The most common weaknesses of this Pokémon are Electric, Psychic, and Ground Type Pokémon.
- Poliwag
A very small tadpole of blue colour, with a spiral pattern and white belly design, is a Poliwag Pokémon. It produces amazing attacks like Bubble, Water Gun, Hydro Pump, and Hypnosis, and like the other Water Type Pokémon, it is also weak against Electric and Grass Type Pokémon.
- Totodile
It’s a Pokémon like a crocodile with red spikes on its back. They came in small sizes and delivered the same Water Gun, Bite, Crunch, and Hydro Pump attacks as Water Type Pokémon, and they were weak against Electric and Grass Type Pokémon.
- Horsea
As the name suggests, Horsea is a blue seahorse-type Pokémon with a very cute and curly tail. It delivers the same bubble, hydro pump, and water gun attacks but with additional dragon breath, which is very effective. This Pokémon is also weak against Electric and Grass Type Pokémon.
- Magikarp
No one likes to use Magikarp Pokémon because it is a very weak fish with an orange colour and only offers you Splash, Tackle, and Flail. It is almost weak against all types of elemental Pokémon but especially against the Electric and Grass-type like others.
- Vaporeon
If you love mermaids, it’s a mermaid-type Pokémon with the same tail, blue colour, and sleek design with fins. It offers a special Aqua Ring and Aurora Beam with other Water Gun and Hydro Pump attacks. Weaknesses are Electric and Grass Type Pokémon attacks.
- Luvdisc
It is a very cute pink fish-type Pokémon with a heart shape and offers affectionate behaviour. Its cute behaviour doesn’t weaken it; it delivers attacks like Water Gun, Attract, Sweet Kiss, and Hydro Pump. It is also weak against Electric and Grass Type Pokémon.
- Wooper
It’s a small blue amphibian with gills on its sides and a massive mouth, making it look funny. It can produce earthquakes and attacks like mud shots, water guns, and hydro pumps. Wooper Pokémon are only weak against Grass Type Pokémon.
- Chinchou
A blue Pokémon like an anglerfish with a yellowish antennae with light. It has common moves like Water Gun, Thunder Wave, Spark, and Hydro Pump and is only weak against Grass and Ground Type Pokémon.
- Mudkip
A mudfish Pokémon with a large fin on its head and cute orange cheeks offers Water Gun, Mud-Slap, Hydro Pump, and Muddy Water moves. Like Wooper, a Mudkip is only weak against Grass Type Pokémon.
- Piplup
Piplup is a very stunning, small, blue penguin-like Pokémon with a light blue belly and cute yellow beak. It possesses moves like Drill Peck, Hydro Pump, Water Gun, and Bubble. It is also weak against the same Electric and Grass Type Pokémon.
- Panpour
A monkey Pokémon with a water-shaped tuft on its head offers strong attacks like Scald, Water Gun, Water Sport, and Hydro Pump. It does possess the same weaknesses as Water Type Pokémon, which are Electric and Grass Type Pokémon attacks.
- Oshawott
It is a very cute aquatic otter with a blue and white colour and a scallop shell on its belly to provide a defensive approach. It can produce water guns, razor shells, aqua jets, and hydro pump moves, which have the same weakness as electric and grass-type Pokémon.
- Sobble
A very small, blue lizard-like Pokémon with large, expressive eyes and a tear-shaped tail. This Pokémon is the least favourite in the series and does have the same weakness as a Water Type Pokémon, i.e., Grass and Electric Type Pokémon attacks.
- Buizel
Buizel Pokémon are orange and shaped like a weasel with a floating ring around its neck. Buizel can provide moves like water guns, aquatic jets, Swift pumps, and hydro pumps. Its most common weaknesses are attacks of Grass and Electric Type Pokémon.
- Froakie
A frog-type Pokémon with white bubbles on its neck. Common moves of Froakie are Water Gun, Bubble, Water Pulse, and Hydro Pump. It is also weak against Electric and Grass Type Pokémon.
- Popplio
It is a blue Pokémon inspired by sea lions with a cute pink nose and ruffled collar. It will provide you with moves like Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump, and Baby-Doll Eyes. It does have the same weakness as Grass and Electric Type Pokémon.
Pokémon Go is one of the most popular Pokémon games as it revolutionised the gaming industry. Pokémon fans have loved to play handheld Pokémon games since the release of the first game in 1996, which can be played on Nintendo Game Boy. Pokémon Go has almost all of the Pokémon that you can easily capture. Here we have also discussed the water type weakness pokemon violet and scarlet.
Pokémon Go also has elemental Pokémon from the series, like Water Type Pokémon and the guide above is perfect for players to learn the weaknesses of all of the Water Type Pokémon so they can easily defeat and capture them. Water Type or Aquatic Pokémon are weak against the Electric and Grass Type Pokémon.
There are almost 163 aquatic Pokémon, but you can only capture the main 19 in the Pokémon Go game, which we have provided above with complete details. Each of them has almost the same, but a few different moves that can be useful for new players, and most of them also have the same weaknesses.
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