Locating King Dorephan in ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’ is an essential part of advancing through the game’s main story. Discovering the King’s whereabouts is a part of a larger quest titled “Clues to the Sky”. This guide is designed to help you seamlessly navigate your way to King Dorephan.
Video Guide
Beginning the Quest: “Clues to the Sky”
The journey to find King Dorephan begins in Zora’s Domain with the main story quest “Clues to the Sky.” As you traverse the mysterious and captivating landscapes of the domain, you’ll come across a hint to initiate your quest. This first clue will come from the young Zora’s in the Throne Room.
Do not be misled by the game’s quest marker. Although it directs you towards Toto Lake, King Dorephan will not be found there. Instead, this is a clever ruse, a misdirection that adds a layer of intrigue to the main questline.
You will need to go to the Pristine Sanctum in the area of LuLu lake. It’s located at the co-ordinates 3709, 0608, 0405.
Finding King Dorephan’s Location
The actual location of King Dorephan is nestled behind a waterfall in the Pristine Sanctum. This is a hidden spot that requires a bit of navigation to reach. To get there efficiently, the best starting point would be the Ihen-a Shrine. After fast traveling to this shrine, glide westward, taking in the breathtaking view of Lulu Lake.

When you reach the north of the lake, look for a waterfall. This will be your guide. With some skillful maneuvering, drop down through this hole, and voila! You would have successfully found the elusive King Dorephan behind the waterfall.

Discovering King Dorephan’s location is a fulfilling accomplishment that not only completes one objective of the Clues to the Sky main quest but also advances you further into the compelling narrative of ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.’
Final Tips
Remember, this quest isn’t about speed, but about enjoyment and immersion in the captivating world of Zelda. The location of King Dorephan is just one of many secrets that the game holds. So take your time, explore thoroughly, and don’t forget to enjoy the journey! After all, the essence of ‘The Legend of Zelda’ series lies not just in reaching the destination, but also in experiencing the adventures along the way.
In conclusion, seeking out King Dorephan’s location contributes significantly to the main story quest, and finding him will surely provide a sense of satisfaction and progress. Good luck, brave explorers, and may your journey in ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’ be filled with memorable adventures!
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