Everyone was super excited to try their first Nimbus 2000 when Hogwarts Legacy first came out back in 2023. Unfortunately, most of us quickly got disappointed to find no flying brooms in the tutorial sequence or even in the first few hours of the game. However, the game surprised us with a flying class lesson and the ability to travel across the huge world map after the first Hogwarts Legacy broom unlock.
Still, flying a broom didn’t feel as intense as we had imagined all our lives. That’s because you must complete various quests and pay hefty sums to upgrade your handy broomsticks. So, how to upgrade your broom in Hogwarts Legacy? In this article, we will walk you through the process of getting your first, second, and third upgrades in no time, let’s get started!
Where To Upgrade Broom Hogwarts Legacy?
Once you purchase your first broomstick, you will activate the Flight Test side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. So, use the nearest Floo Flame and head to Hogsmeade to meet Alibie, the owner of Spintwitches Sporting Needs. After exhausting the dialogue, he will tell you about his broom upgrade project and ask if you are willing to participate.
So, before you ask, “How do I upgrade my broom in Hogwarts Legacy?” you should complete the Flight Test side quest. After completing the quest, Ablie will offer you the upgrade for 1,000 Galleons and offer you a second trial. Currently, there are three upgrades in the game, so you must repeat the process to unlock the second and third broom upgrade Hogwarts Legacy.
How To Upgrade Your Broom In Hogwarts Legacy?
As mentioned earlier, you must pass a series of flight tests designed by Imelda Reyes to unlock different broom upgrades. Next, you must wait for Albie’s Owl and purchase the upgrades by spending thousands of Galleons. Finally, get out of the shop and test your newly upgraded broom with a faster speed and better controls, and maybe get a new Hogwarts Legacy broom appearance.
Don’t worry, you only need to repeat this process three times as the broom upgrades are carried over to all your new and old broomsticks. Here’s how to upgrade broom in Hogwarts Legacy:

Hogwarts Legacy First Broom Upgrade:
You will get the Flight Test side quest as soon as you purchase your first broom for the Flying Class Needs. Next, you must speak to Albie in the Sportswear shop to learn about a Slytherin student, Imelda Reyes. She has designed various flight trials in which everyone can participate and earn their names on the leaderboard.
Next, meet with Imelda at the Quidditch Ground and show your willingness to participate in the trials. Here, you must fly through a series of hoops within the allocated time to complete the quest. The sooner you arrive at the final hoop, the higher your ranking on the board will be. After completing this trial, head back to Albie to purchase your first broomstick upgrade in Hogwarts Legacy.
Hogwarts Legacy Second Broom Upgrade:
After completing the first trial, many players reported a Hogwarts Legacy broom upgrade bug. Well, it is not really a bug per se. Instead, it is a game mechanic that most players don’t seem to understand. All broom upgrades in the game are locked behind a hidden curtain of events. So, you must progress through the game and complete “In the Shadows of the Mine” to receive your second Owl from Albie.
Next, you must return to his shop in Hogsmeade and speak to him to receive the “Sweeping the Competition” side quest. Next, head to the marked location and compete against Imelda Reyes to get your name on the leaderboard. This next trial is slightly difficult as you must make sharp turns and catch as many balloons as you can to receive the Hogwarts Legacy broom boost. Finally, wait for Albie’s Owl and spend 4,000 Galleons to purchase the 2nd broom upgrade Hogwarts Legacy.
Note: Before you start wondering why Hogwarts Legacy broom upgrade 2 not showing up, you should complete the main quests until In the Shadows of the Estate to receive this upgrade.
Hogwarts Legacy Last Broom Upgrade:
After purchasing the second upgrade, you can either wait around in his shop or go on with the main quests until you receive yet another Owl Post from Albie Weekes. This time, he asks you to complete “The Sky is the Limit” and beat Imelda Reyes in yet another time trial. This final broom upgrade Hogwarts Legacy is even more challenging as you must travel through a long course in minimum time.
So, there is no room for errors or missing any hoops in this challenge. Secondly, you must collect maximum balloons on the way to recharge your broom boost and use it as much as you possibly can to make it on time. Once you have earned your name on the leaderboard, you must wait some more to receive Albie’s Owl Post. This time, you can purchase the Hogwarts Legacy broom upgrade 3 for 7,500 Galleons.
Once you purchase the 3rd broom upgrade Hogwarts Legacy, you will unlock the “Flying the Good Flight” achievement and won’t need to unlock any more upgrades.
Hogwarts Legacy Broom Upgrade Differences:
Some players have reported that they didn’t see any difference even after unlocking the Hogwarts Legacy 3rd broom upgrade. Well, it’s not really a Hogwarts Legacy broom glitch, and the upgrades alter more than just your traveling speed. For instance, every broom upgrade slightly increases your traveling speed, boosts stamina, and maximum flight height. Similarly, you will notice higher differences by equipping better broomsticks and completing the pop balloons challenges.
Another possible Hogwarts Legacy broom bug is when you can’t pull out your broom to reach higher platforms. Again, that’s not a Hogwarts Legacy broom not an available bug, but a game feature. Basically, the game doesn’t allow you to get on your broom in certain locations like inside the Hogwarts School, dungeons, caves, and during main-game combat scenes.
Wrapping Up:
You will get your first broom after completing the first Flying Class lesson. Next, you must compete in various flying trials to purchase various broom upgrades from Albie Weekes in Hogsmeade. Hopefully, this article has helped you resolve how to upgrade your broom in Hogwarts Legacy and much more. Feel free to reach out if you need further clarification or have any suggestions for us, happy gaming!
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