The entire Zelda series contains puzzles and hidden treasures that will seriously challenge your creativity. TOTK, being a Zelda game, is no different, as it hides treasure chests in even more creative ways. For example, you might have heard about the Riverside Stable Well Chest, as it is quite notorious among the players. The beauty of this puzzle is that it isn’t really hidden in plain sight but stuck in the wall instead.
If you just jumped down the rocky well and found the chest without any way to reach it, you are not really alone. Don’t worry, this guide provides the best way to retrieve the Zelda TOTK Riverside Stable chest without wasting any time; let’s get started:
How To Get Riverside Stable Well Chest?
Riverside Stable is a pivotable location in both BOTW and TOTK as it contains important quests and roadmaps for your journey ahead. So, you will definitely visit Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Riverside Stable Well in your playthrough. While you can engage in various fun activities in this region, you may also find a hidden treasure chest.
You can find the Zelda Riverside Stable Well on these coordinates 0364, -1125, 0011. Once you find the well, simply jump down and use your glider to safely land without taking any fall damage. Next, if you look toward the southern wall of the well, you will notice a petrified treasure chest stuck in the wall with no nearby ladder to access it.
If you turn right, you will see a bunch of wooden planks and frames lying on the ground. Fortunately, you can use your Fuse Power to craft a platform that reaches all the way to the ceiling. With your platform in place, climb it until you are face to face with the Zelda TOTK Riverside Stable Well Chest. Finally, use your Ultrahand to free the chest from the wall, and you can loot it with ease.
Why Doesn’t the Riverside Stable Chest Get Unstuck?
Some players have reported that they precisely used our strategy to free the chest using Ultrahand, and it still didn’t fall to the ground. Well, you need to SHAKE the Ultrahand hard enough to unstuck the chest. Similarly, another user suggested simply bombing the petrified chest to get it unstuck. The answer is NO! Bombing and any other method doesn’t work on this chest, and believe us, we have tried hundreds of them. So, the only way to loot this chest is to use your Ultrahand after building a platform to reach it.
You may accidentally stumble upon this chest during the TOTK Riverside Stable Quest, or you may have deliberately found it. In any case, there is no way to reach this treasure chest without a bit of creative crafting. Hopefully, this guide has saved you from spending way too many attempts to reach the Riverside Stable Chest. If you’d like us to cover more such guides, let us know in the comments section below.
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