You’re a Flying Wizard
Before we jump into the Hogwarts Legacy, how to use a broom subject, let’s discuss the wonders of bending reality. Indeed, one iconic element that makes “magic” shine is the unique abilities the witches (wizards) get with their archetype.
Thanks to the imagination of different writers and roleplayers, the “spell user” tends to improve through the ages. The main principle of Magic is to “bend” the reality rules to accomplish a task. For example, if you want to fix a broken mirror, just shout “Reparo” while waving your wand eagerly.
Another common “power” from the spellcasters is flying with a random in-house object (such as a broom). In this article, we’ll give you all the information about how to use your broom in Howarts Legacy.
Brooms in Hogwarts Legacy
Like the original concept of witches, brooms help the magician to travel across the map. In the Harry Potter universe, brooms often appear in “approved” magical places (like Hogwarts). Although boring, this limit avoids unwanted attention from the “Muggles” (non-magic people). Instead, the wizards use transportation or flying cars to move around the “common” cities.
The Broom appears in Hogwarts, and its use is for traveling or for Quidditch (a magical sport). In the video game, you use the Broom to travel around the “open-world” map and to complete flying challenges. Depending on the Broom’s “materials” or quality, the flying experience tends to change. This article talks about Hogwarts Legacy: How to use Broom.
Hogwarts Legacy How to Use Broom?
Before you can buy and equip a Broom, you need to complete these requirements:
- Progress through the main story: As you begin your journey, you’ll get a “chain” of unique tasks, which help you learn about game mechanics, controlling your character, and how to read the UI (user interface).
- Complete the “Flying Class” Quest: After you meet different professors and ways of magic, the next part is to master the skies.
- Travel to Spintwitches Sporting Needs: Your main source for the Broom needs comes from the magical store. Overall, you’ll need 600 Coins to acquire your first Broom. You can sell the “unwanted” items to the NPC (Non-Playable Character) for extra Coins.
- Fly Around: Move around the map freely with your new vehicle.
- (EXTRA) Complete the Broom Collection: Travel and talk to all the in-game vendors to acquire a possible new Broom. Furthermore, the “Pop Ballons” Exploration Challenge will give you Brooms as a reward.
Becoming the Broom Master. Hogwarts Legacy How to Ride Broom
In this part of the article, we’ll give you hints on how to fly around freely:
- Equip a Broom: First, tap and hold the Potion Menu (LB/ L1) and press B/Circle outside a “no-fly” zone.
- Move with Your Analog Sticks: Use the Left stick to move freely in the air and move the camera/direction with the Right stick.
- Go Faster: Press the RT/R2 to increase the speed of your Broom and LT/L2 to add a powerful “boost.” These options will help you move quickly in a single direction. However, they impact your handling.
Frequently Asked Questions about How to Use Broom in Hogwarts Legacy
Here, you have the most common inquiries about the subject.
How to get a Broom in Hogwarts Legacy?
You need to complete the Flying Class quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Additionally, travel to Spintwitches Sporting Needs to purchase a new Broom.
How to Equip Broom Hogwarts Legacy?
After you complete your first Broom purchase at Spintwitches Sporting Needs, the Broom appears automatically in your inventory. You can change the type of Broom after you acquire more options.
How to Mount Broom Hogwarts Legacy?
Summon your Broom after pressing the “TAB” key and click the Broom with your mouse. Remember to leave the “no-fly” zone before equipping the Broom.
How to Use the Broom Hogwart Legacy Xbox/PS5?
Press and hold LB/L1, then tap the B/Circle button to equip your Broom outside a no-fly zone. Press RT/R2 to increase velocity and LT/L2 for a temporal boost.
Hogwarts Legacy How to Fly Broom?
To gain extra control with a Broom, move both sticks to adjust the camera and slowly change the trajectory.
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